One important application of type is in counseling and psychotherapy. An understanding of type allows counselors and clients to rely on the strengths of the client’s type to develop an effective treatment plan and to understand how type also affects one’s weaknesses. A counselor trained in type is able to understand that each client has unique needs based upon his temperament.


APTi Counseling and Psychotherapy Interest Group Leader Bio:

Gary Williams leads the Counseling and Psychotherapy interest area.

Gary Williams leads the Counseling and Psychotherapy interest area.

Gary Williams, Ed.S., (ENTP) maintains a counseling and consulting practice in Birmingham, Alabama where he provides therapy, teambuilding and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Gary served as President of the Alabama Mental Health Counselor’s Association and the Alabama APT. He currently serves as the Chair for the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling and Interest Area Consultant for Counseling and Psychotherapy for APTi. He is a Licensed Supervising Counselor, MBTI® Master Practitioner and certified in Rehabilitation Counseling, EMDR and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. Gary was recently honored as the Mental Health Counselor of the Year by the American Mental Health Counselor’s Association and Outstanding Practitioner of the Year by Chi Sigma Iota International.